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This fashion brand is a manifestation of the mission of its founder, Debby Fauziyanto, who was moved to participate in strengthening the existence of batik as part of Indonesia's cultural wealth on the international stage. Currently, Debby is presenting a fashion collection featuring hand-drawn and stamped batik fabrics from Yogyakarta and Surakarta


Not only purchasing batik cloth from artisans, Debby also becomes a foster mother for them, for example by sharing insights on the latest fashion trends or providing ideas that help these craftsmen increase the value of their works. The activity was not devoid of challenges, such as the difficulty in cultivating interest in becoming artisans among the younger generation of batik-making families. But Debby did not give up.

Debby, who has an educational background in fashion merchandising and management in San Francisco, USA, started her career as a batik fashion designer in 2015. At that time, she deliberately took the time to work while she was occupied as an employee at a company. While working at the company, Debby went to Europe almost every three months to meet her co-workers. On each of her visits to Europe, Debby always gives souvenirs in the form of batik cloth or her other creations. From there, her love and pride in being an Indonesian grew stronger, because batik always garnered admiration in foreign countries.

Even though she had yet to open a shop at that time, Debby actively marketed her works at large handicraft exhibitions such as Inacraft and Warisan.


Debby is known to often wear batik clothing on various occasions while living in the United States, and often invites Indonesian designers while living in Australia. She finally opened a shop for the first time in the Kemang area, South Jakarta in 2019. She then went through ups and downs that forced her to close her first shop, then opened another shop at Antasari area, South Jakarta in 2021.
